Children’s Ministry

Nursery thru 5th Grade

Weekly Schedule

Sunday Morning

8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Sunday School
9:45 a.m. – 10:25 a.m.

Children’s Church
During 8:30 and 10:45 Worship Service

Wednesday Activities

Family Meal
5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Kid’s Bible Studies
6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Mother’s Day Out

Tuesday and Thursday
9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

2024 Children's Christmas Program


Mission Statement:

Our desire is that kids grow in relationship with God, family & friends.

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”.
– 2 Peter 3:18

The Children’s Ministry at Wylie Methodist encompasses kids from infants through 5th grade.
Our leaders and servants desire to see our kids grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, We would love to talk with you if you have any questions about our programs.

Children’s Pastor – Carlene Crim

Assistant Children’s Pastor – Theresa Suave

Linda Higginbotham, Assistant Children's Minister

Assistant Children’s Pastor –
Linda Higginbotham


Our nursery is staffed with paid staff and volunteers that love and care for God’s precious little ones. We strive to make our nursery safe and welcoming. All workers in the nursery must meet the standard set in our Safe Sanctuary policy, including background checks.

Child care is provided for infants through 2 years old. Sunday mornings 8:30 to 12:00. Wednesday evenings 5:45 to7:45.

Check-in stations are just inside the main entrance.

Wylie Methodist Nursery

3-year-old thru 3rd Grade


Kids 3 years old through the 3rd grade are encouraged to come to Sunday School.  We meet on Sunday mornings at 9:45. Kids join parents for the worship service either before at 8:30 or after at 10:45.

Check-in stations are just inside the main entrance.


Wednesday nights at 6:00, kids are invited to join in for worship, prayer, Bible study, games, and missions.

3-year-olds and Pre-K kids meet in Rooms 110 and 109.

Kindergarten and 123 Kids meet in the Sanctuary.

45 Connect - 4th & 5th Grade

“We will follow the Lord our God forever and ever”.   – Micah 4:5

Sunday morning at 9:45 a.m.
Wednesday evening at 6:00 p.m.

This is a time when 4th and 5th graders come together for fellowship and the chance to dig deeper into God’s truth. We meet in Room 207 (upstairs).


Children's Message and Children's Church

Each Sunday morning, all kids begin worship in the sanctuary with their parents and then (following the offering) they are encouraged to join Carlene or Theresa at the front  for a kids’ message to hear God’s truth. Following this message, kids ages 3 to 3rd grade are invited to “Children’s Church” for a service designed just for them where they will hear a Bible lesson, pray, sing, and have activities which engage them in learning God’s word. After the worship service, parents can pick up their kids.

On the first Sunday of the month, the 123 Kids will rejoin their families in the sanctuary for communion.

Also, for baptisms, kids will be escorted back into the sanctuary so they can witness statements of faith.

Mother's Day Out and Pre-K

We have a program for children, Walking through Pre-K, where we offer a special time of play and learning while you get a chance to catch your breath or run some errands.

Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 to 2:30 p.m.

Please contact the church office for pricing and other information.

Special Events

Throughout the year, there are lots of activities where kids can have fun, be creative and grow in faith and love……

Vacation Bible School in June
Easter Egg Hunt on Palm Sunday
Summer Splash
Fall Festival in October
Christmas Workshop in December
Summer Camps at Camp Butman

VBS 2021